Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

Be the good movie blog ^_^

Today, accidently i found one great movie blog, i'll tell you latter and show it in my favorite links as soon as i have the owner permit to link to his ^_^.

His Blog is definitely good and original, and i completely agree that one should begin his/her blog with his/her pasion for movies. I love films and i definitely enjoy entering the cinema, he he the feeling is really undescribable, ho ho maybe sounds too much but that's exactly what i feel.
I just hope, at least i can give some big picture of the movie, and that will be all yours to like it or not ^_^, just like this good blog said, film is very subjective, i may be like it but you don't ^_^

I will keep write what i see and what i feel ^_^

Oh ya, one more thing, i think my blog is very plain, could you give me some comments what to add in this blog, so it will brighten this blog ^_^, and thank you very much for your comments.

5 komentar:

Zizy Damanik mengatakan...

hai... sometimes we think that our blog not so popular coz nobody give any comment (not yet), but don't worry. the important thing is, make relationship with bloggers & keep posting. :)

Merry Hariadi mengatakan...

Thank you very much for the support mbak ^_^

-delia- mengatakan...

can't more agree with Zee ;)

so, visit my blog once a day dunk, Mbak... hihihihihi...

Merry Hariadi mengatakan...

Awwwww, thank you jeung Delia, mmmuuuuuaaaah!

medical mengatakan...

aq juga ada info ttg film nich...
dapat segala info movie di dunia termasuk indonesia ya...
semoga bermanfaat....