Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008


Finally, after a long watching blue (again, hiksss). I beat my laziness and saw another movie ^_^. Well, honestly, not completely watching blue, i have another passion lately, swimming and that's make me always skip movie date and left me exhausted, so i have no more lust to watch any movie.

Last tueasday, i watched Wall - E, i'll post to you the review soon. Quite entertaining and a good movie for your children. But what i want to share is (deep breath) for the second time, i was sitting beside 2 gays!! MasyaAllah, please deh! And to make things worse, they both gorgeous!! Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! What the hell with all the ladies? Why they prefer boys than girls? Ck ck ck
They were holding hand and fed each other. My my..wasn't it a real heartbreaking? I saw more and more gays everyday T_T

2 komentar:

Riri mengatakan...

bunda juga suka nonton.. wall-e bagus yach...?

Merry Hariadi mengatakan...

Lumayan bunda, kalau buat tontonan keluarga bagus lah, cuma memang menonjolkan usaha Wall - E membuat Eve terpesona se, he he, kira-kira itu bagus ga buat anak? Thanks for coming ya Bunda ^_^