Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


Title : Kung Fu Panda

Genre : Comedy, cartoon

Cast : Jack Black, Jacky Chan, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu

Rating : A must see movie ^_^

Pic :

Synopsis :

Po (Jack Black) is a panda from a noodle maker family who dream about being a kung fu hero. And one day his dream is about to come true. Master Oogway (Randall Duke Kim), a wise tortoise from the kung fu temple, is ordering to held a ceremony to choose a dragon warrior. He got a premonition, that the evil tiger Tai Lung (Ian Mc Shane) will escape form prison and attack the village. Master Shifu's (Dustin Hoffman) highly skilled martial students: tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (lucy Liu), Monkey (Jacky Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), and Crane (David Cross) will be choosen. Po, whose dream, to be a kung fu master, try to escape from his obligation to sell noodle and do what ever he can to enter the stadium where the ceremony takes place.
Master Oogway surpraising everybody by choosing Po as a dragon worrior. And Master Shifu, who can't believe non of his primary students choosen, try to convince Oogway that he has made a mistake by choosing clumsy Po. The five students are nevertheless feel the same thing to Po, they just can not understand why a reckless and worthless panda is choosen as a dragon warrior. But Po is very persistent, the other students soon change to like him due to his good sense of humor and good cooking skills.
The evil Tai Lung is escape as predicted, and Po has not ready yet to face him. master Shifu must find a way to train Po, and Oogway left him without any clue but to believe in Po.
Can Po change and fulfill everybody's hope to be the dragon warrior and save them?

First time i saw the thriller, i have put this film in my watching agenda ^_^, and it's worth it! A very nice cartoon movie, with cute pictures and alive characters. And so many stars playing in the movie! I like it, and this is a perfect movie to see with the whole family. Funny, funny, and funny ^_^

Fun facts:
  • The furious five (tigress, mantis, viper, monkey, and crane) are actually martial art style modelled after the animals.
  • Shifu means teacher or master in chinesse.
  • Production designer Raymond Zibach and art director Tang Heng spent years researching Chinese painting, sculpture, architecture and kung fu movies to help create the look of the film.
  • The film premiered at the 61st Cannes Film Festival, where it received massive and sustained applause at the end of the film's screening.
  • and wikipedia

2 komentar:

-delia- mengatakan...

Semalem nonton Kung Fu Panda, sampe hampir abis suaraku, Mbak, gara-gara ketawa ngakak!

Bener-bener lucu dan wajib ditonton deh.. Apalagi klo bawa anak atau keponakan.. Seruuuuu!!

Merry Hariadi mengatakan...

Del, katanya boneka Po wes ada seng jual yo? Lucu paling ginuk-ginuk gitu hikss, mupeng jadinya ^_^